

No child should grow up with the consequences of a treatable birth defect. 1 in 5 Globally can access treatment. 95% of children treated can walk, run, and move for life.
About Us
Servetogether Foundation (STF) is a national nonprofit organisation registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013 that was founded with the goal of improving children's health. STF believes that, of all age groups, children are the most vulnerable; they require special care and deserve society's attention. There are several birth deformities that can be treated in children at an early stage; otherwise, they can lead to lifetime disabilities or serious defects.

Free Clubfoot Treatment
We Provide Care
We provide long term care, counselling and affordable treatment to the children and families affected with clubfoot and provide need based health care support.
We Build Networks
We build partnerships with like minded healthcare institutions to ensure availability of affordable clubfoot treatment and health care.
We Strengthen
We focus on building capacity of medical professionals and healthcare systems for world class quality clubfoot care of the childrens.
We Educate
We educate people about the existence of clubfoot and more importantly its available affordable treatment.
We Advocate
We advocate on behalf of the clubfoot children and the families for their ‘Right to affordable treatment’.
We Are Sensitive
We are sensitive towards the marginalized and ensure that they have access to quality health care.
News and Updates

Dr. Naveen Bhat. Y, IAS
Mission Director
National Health Mission ,Govt of Karnataka
Released STF Clubfoot Poster

Dr. Naveen Bhat. Y, IAS ,
Mission Director of GOK honored by Dr Mohan V.B - Chief Medical Advisor - USA

On June 3, 2022, Sri. D. Randeep, IAS, Commissioner of H&FW -- GoK will unveil the Clubfoot Poster at Arogya Soudha.

On June 3, 2022, in celebration of World Clubfoot Day, we organised medical training for all district hospital orthopaedic surgeons at Arogya Soudha,Bangalore.

Signed MoU with Dr Arundhathi Chandrasekhar IAS, Mission Director , NHM Govt of Karnataka and Received MoU from Dr. Veena.V. Deputy Director (RBSK, RKSK & SHUCHI)

A second medical training was held at KIMS Hubballi on June 10, 2022.

A third medical training was held at District Hospital Tumukur on Aug 20, 2022.

STF Team with Dr Veena Deputy Director - RBSK

Exploria 2 Art Exhibition Inaugurated By Mr Nagathihalli Chandrasekhar, Director, Actor, Screen Writer

Signing of MoU with District Hospital Tumkur

Wheel Chair Donated at IGICH

Signing of MoU with District Hospital Kolar

STF to provide need based support for children at Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bengaluru.

Received Man of Humanity award from Universal Development Council through Hon.Justice K Samy Durai Madras High Court.

STF donated Glucometer to Dr Vani , Dept of Endocrinology Indira Gandhi institute of child health.
Success Story

Jasmi ( 18 Years Old)
Jasmi is suffering with multiple surgeries due to OSTOGENESIS Imperfecta. She is pursuing her B.Tech 1st year. Jasmi said that "Wheel chair gave freedom to do some work by own instead of complete dependence".

Aswani ( 11 Years Old)
Aswani who is 11yrs received Glucometer from Serve Together Foundation (STF).
Clubfoot is a deformity present at birth that twists the foot downward and inward, making walking difficult or impossible. While it cannot be prevented, it can be corrected using a relatively inexpensive treatment process called the Ponseti method.
Approximately 35000 children are born with CLUBFOOT in India every year.
CLUBFOOT can be treated at an early age without the need of any surgery.
Incidence of Clubfoot
1 in every 500 Birth
Number of Clubfoot children born in India Annually
35000 +
Number of children born with Clubfoot in Karnataka annually
2200 +
We don’t know exactly what causes clubfoot, but we do know it’s not because of something the parents did. Unfortunately, in many of the places where we work, mothers are usually the first to be blamed for the condition. The blame comes from all angles—unconfessed sin, a curse, a character flaw, doing too much hard labor, or a variety of other local beliefs and traditions. Some of our most important work is spreading the word that clubfoot can’t be prevented, but it CAN be treated at one of our local partner clubfoot clinics at no cost to the family.
Why is Clubfoot caused?
What is Clubfoot treatment?
Clubfoot can be treated! We adhere to treatment through the Ponseti method, the gold standard of clubfoot treatment. The initial process involves weekly casting for four to six to eight weeks and, in most cases, a minimally-invasive outpatient procedure to lengthen the Achilles tendon. After this, in the maintenance phase, children wear a foot abduction brace for 23 hours a day for three months, and then at night and nap time until the age of five. Children born with clubfoot can take their first steps on completely straight feet thanks to early intervention and to this relatively simple, cost-effective treatment method.
Our Testimonials
“Essae Foundation has been associated with Club Foot project. Currently, the project is run by Serve-Together Foundation and Essae Foundation is convinced with the transparency and systematic way of running the project by Serve-Together foundation and it is our privilege to continue supporting this project.”
Essae Chandran
Founder and Chairman of Essae Foundation
“Exemplary service to give back smile to kids & their future, making way for a disability free life. STF is keen to bring change in Child life. ”
Dr Lohit
Orthopedic Surgen – Dist Hospital Tumkur
“Servetogether Foundation despite being a relatively new NGO with the vast experience of its director Mr. Gopi the organization has been able to achieve and accomplish great works in the past year. They have helped finding the treatment of many children with disabilities due to various conditions like Clubfoot, bone infections and cerebral palsy. The free Clubfoot clinic run by them in various districts of Karnataka is game changer in the battle toward minimising disabilities due to Clubfoot. With their dedication and compassion for the healing ministry Servetogether foundation is a blessing to the people of India. I am blessed to volunteer and help them to the best of my abilities and I wish them the best in their mission of reaching the unreached. ”